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Orgreen model North-1049: Колекция за класически очила

ORGREEN North-1049 NORTH-1049

Orgreen: North-1049 + Оригинални меки или твърди калъфки към всеки модел (отговарящи на размера на очилата), както и удостоверение за произход.

North-1049 Orgreen
1049(Mat Metallic Chrome/Silver Chrome Lenses)
Size According
Size According
- Collection:SHEET TITANIUM - A combination of 100% pure titanium and beta-titanium. In Hitchcock's film classic North by Northwest, Cary Grant's character is on the run in this high octane, suspense thriller of mistaken identity. Our North frames epitomize his inner strength, drive and determination. Upsized a bit and slightly wide, it's a large frame for the manly man. Secure in his own identity whether the powers that be believe him or not. This model is a also a part of our Grand Danois collection which is a collection in precious materials. The Grand Danois color(s) for this model is: 5P. Lens details: 5P - Grey Gradient Polarized

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